Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yoga - for health and peace....

I have been attending yoga classes for the last one month at Kozhikode itself. Those who know me personally know that I am fat, over weight. But, to my friend’s dismay, I have never been worried about the same. I have always been reasonably healthy and have been content with it. My friends always used to complain about the long distances that I would walk while we are out for shopping or sightseeing. I guess this is what helped me stay healthy.

 But, ever since I moved to Kozhikode, I have been confined to my Pulsar all the time. This meant I don’t walk as much as I used to, and I put on a lot of weight. While I was worried about the same, I have never been enthusiastic about going to a conventional gym. Finally, I chose to try out Yoga hoping that this might also complement my spiritual and intellectual side.

 After one month of Yoga classes, I find it highly beneficial for staying healthy. Just as Ayurveda concentrates on eliminating the root cause of a disease unlike the Allopathic medicines which focuses on the symptoms, yoga aims at helping a person to stay healthy. It also helps in building concentration and the meditation helps to make the mid peaceful.

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