Friday, November 28, 2008

The routine of getting ourselves blasted...the new way of life for modern Indians

Over the last 7-8 years, India has been repeatedly targeted by the terrorists, both from within and outside the country. After each bloody incident, we have DELIBERATELY forgotten about the same. We patted ourselves on being resilient, brave and courageous and God knows what other cliches that we could invent. Of course, we raised a big hue and cry blaming the government, the police, the intelligence agencies, the religious hate mongers, the omnipresent ISI and the rogue sibling – turned rogue neighbour Pakistan. We blamed each other, we suspected each other and we fought each other. 

Some of us took it upon ourselves to exact revenge, thus causing more havoc. We blamed our politicians and once the list of those who could be blamed was exhausted, we went about the routine of being in the middle of blast torn cities wondering where the terror would strike next.

 We are the brave, resilient Indian, fancying ourselves as the saviours for the whole world, especially since the American domination of the world affairs is already shattered.

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