Thursday, December 6, 2012

The mockery continues…

We are in the midst of yet another parliament session, this one coming at a time when state elections are around the corner. Predictably, the political parties are playing to the galleries. However, the vote over FDI issue has once again exposed the untrustworthiness of our so-called leaders. Our political parties have long been in a very comfortable position as far as any policy decisions re concerned. They can oppose the policies even while sharing the fruits of power from within or outside the government. They can hold protests against many policies and then support the government within the parliament at the time of voting, either by abstaining or by staging a walkout. In fact, all parties enjoy this great convenience, thanks to the “secular than thou” plank. 

No wonder the issues ranging from Ayodhya to Afzal Guru are dragged on and on while the nation bleeds. Even as India languishes at 94th position in Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI), scams continue to hit the headlines every single day. The parliament has been reduced to nothing more than another live TV show, offering much to amuse the viewers. A shame indeed…

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