Monday, January 19, 2009

The thoughts of an Indian...

We, in India, are also looking forward to the ascendancy of the new US dispensation with much interest. Notwithstanding the statement made by our Prime Minister, declaring his citizen’s love for President Bush, many in this part of the world have been highly critical and highly disappointed with the outgoing US regime.

 We Indians have build up the world’s largest democracy and we know how easily the public could be deceived, we have often pinned our hopes on many a saviour, only to have the facade blown away by the lure of power, power and absolute power. In the name of democracy, we have allowed dynasty politics to rule us for the better part of the independent era. We know the system has in built safe guards against genuine change, still we keep ourselves hopeful.

 So it is with mixed emotions that I look forward to the Obama era. I do hope that the future will bring the much needed change in the global political, social and economic scenario. The coming decades will be revolutionary for the world as such. It will see India and China taking the centre stage. The US hegemony is all but over and Obama would do well to keep his feet grounded firmly on realities. He should endeavour to make the US and the world ready for the inevitable.....

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