It was a spectacular show at the Oscars on Monday. There is no doubt that the Indian trio deserve the Oscar. Slowly, but surely India is making its presence felt in sports and entertainment. Jai ho..................
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Rahman, Rasool and Gulzar puts India on the Oscar map...
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Wanted: Fraudsters and criminals!!!
The drum beats are getting louder for the next general elections in India, and so is the search for suitable candidates. As always, one would expect more film stars and cricketers to take the plunge. Still, I am dismayed by the level to which the saviours of Indian masses could plunge to. It seems that being infamous, notorious, corrupt, criminal is a pre-requisite and being a convict is an added qualification.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
AMMA at Kozhikode on Feb 14th and 15th
We Kozhikodans had the good fortune to have the universal AMMA, Mata Amritanandamayi, among us on the Feb 14th. I spent the day at the Ashramam at Vellimadukunnu, at the lotus feet of beloved AMMA.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Magical Murali- The record wicket taker
The Indian cricket fans are having an incredibly good time with the men in blue doing exceedingly well in the recent past. The ongoing series in Sri Lanka has been a rather one sided affair with India out playing the hosts in every aspects of the game.